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  • turning visions into realities: a fable and framework for executing change

    Turning Visions into Realities: A Fable and Framework for Executing Change


    Think of the wasted energy and resources lost when up to 50 % of change initiatives fail. We must change those odds. Leaders in nearly every organization can harness the power of the book’s lessons to consistently gain support and deliver success. In her new book Leadersheep: Saving the Herd, Dr. Mary Lippitt introduces a tested…

  • Brilliant or Blunder


    Shifting realities increasingly challenge leaders. Leaders confront greater difficulty in handling amazingly positive or frighteningly dangerous situations. No company, organization or government can hope to go unscathed by the tumultuous events without leaders who employ mental agility. To weather complexity and uncertainty, leaders must analyze their entire environment rather than rely on habit or past…