About Us

Proven Track Record

Enterprise Management Ltd. is an international leader in linking development and results for the last 35 years.

What sets us apart is our focus on impacting business outcomes and enabling the workforce to capture opportunities while still managing risk. We are the authority in developing leadership judgment that creates effective and timely solutions that secure both short—and long-term potential. Poor decisions and goal setting are the most fatal leadership flaws, but we are able to decode the process of making stellar decisions.

Our proprietary Situational Mindset Indicator ™ inventory ensures project success by overcoming blind spots, building engagement, and fostering trust and teamwork. We help clients make the right call at the right time for the right results.

We have a passionate, experienced team that customizes services to deliver results. Our programs are guaranteed to improve results, or we will courteously return our fees.


Years of Experience

Our Founder

Our Founder

Dr. Mary Lippitt is an award-winning author, speaker and consultant who helps clients navigate today’s pressing business challenges with effective solutions. Her groundbreaking work on leadership, critical thinking and change execution has been featured in Leader to Leader, Executive Excellence, The Journal of Business Strategy, Industry Week and on Sirius Radio.

A hands-on practitioner, researcher, and professor, Dr. Lippitt has helped thousands of leaders improve organizational performance by focusing on six success mindsets. Her results focused approach has been adopted by major international organizations and universities.

Dr. Lippitt authored: Leadersheep, Saving the Herd. A Fable About Successfully Executing Change, Brilliant or Blunder: 6 Ways Leaders Navigate Uncertainty and Opportunity and Complexity, Situational Mindsets: Targeting What Matters When It Matters, and the upcoming Leadersheep: Saving the Herd. The Situational Mindset Indicator stems from research on 6,000 leaders. It supports leaders make the right call at the right time for the right results

Our Testimonials

Leaders must make choices. Amid the tumultuous climate of today’s global market, Mary’s comprehensive approach to leadership focuses on helping both organizations and individuals identify specific decisions and judgments that may be hindering their long-term growth and prosperity. In simpler terms, she helps these leaders find what needs to be changed and shows them why and how to do it. By using a time-tested formula, Mary pinpoints strategic thinking needs in each area of an organization as she helps them learn to effectively prioritize, assess risks, and create long-term strategies for success.


    CEO of SMCOV and Coauthor of Trap Tales: Outsmarting the 7 Hidden Obstacles to Success

    This is fresh, insightful, and mind-expanding book that is based on sound research, in-depth case studies, and practical experience. It’s a breakthrough work with a unique perspective that will make you think differently about how you think.


      Coauthor of the award-winning The Leadership Challenge and Executive Fellow of Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Leavey School of Business, Santa Clara University

      Buck the trend and make a lasting and effective change with this book! Every great leader should have it!


        New York Times #1 bestselling author of Triggers, Mojo, and What Got You Here Won’t Get You There.

        Lippitt’s practical and easily adopted model changes how leaders gain support and deliver results. By using Lippitt’s six mindsets, leaders can make informed strategic choices addressingsituational mindsets and the change orientation of decision makers as well as the organization life cycle stage. Lippitt’s approach is in my tool kit under the heading of “elegant process and solutions.” It collapses several dynamics into a streamlined result—the silver bullet that leaders embrace.


          Managing Partner, Strategic Performance Group; Professor and Director, School of Business and Technology, Marymount University

          Situational Mindsets teaches leaders that they don’t need an MBA to master the art of business acumen. They need to stay curious, ask the right questions, and read this book! Reading Dr. Lippitt’s definitions of the six mindsets helped me see new possibilities for my own business as well as empowering my executive coaching clients to make positive changes. I predict Situational Mindsets will become a classic leadership book for the ages.


            Author of The Discomfort Zone: How Leaders Turn Difficult Conversations into Breakthroughs

            Situational Mindsets deftly takes us on a journey beyond the previous leadership frameworks to a more useful and comprehensive approach. Correctly focused on the decision making role of leaders, this book changes our leadership mindset in order to help us make better decisions.

            DAVID MARQUET
              DAVID MARQUET

              Best selling author of Turn Your Ship Around

              What the “just in time” approach is to inventory management strategy, Mary Lippitt’s Situational Mindsets concept will be to whole-of-business management. It is an innovative approach to making the right call at the right time, to prioritizing scarce resources to focus on the most urgent issues without sacrificing the big picture. This is an eminently practical blueprint for business leadership in an era of relentless transformation.

              ALAN AXELROD
                ALAN AXELROD

                Author of The Disruptors: 50 People Who Changed the World,and Profiles I Audacity: Great Decisions and How They Were Made

                Mary’s original ideas will stretch your thinking and push you toward becoming a better leader who embraces the challenges of uncertainty, the promises of opportunity, and the impediments of complexity. Delve into this book; it is a must read from a thought leader who has devoted her career to helping others learn to lead and achieve results. Mary Lippitt’s new book, Situational Mindsets, is—in a word—brilliant!

                ELAINE BIECH
                  ELAINE BIECH

                  Author The Business of Consulting, editor The ASTD Leadership Handbook and founder of ebb associates inc.

                  Count on Mary Lippitt to see the world of leadership through a refreshingly new angle and bring her immense wisdom to its thoughtful practice. Situational Mindsets will open your eyes, clarify your perspective, and sharpen your influence in bringing the best of who you are to what you do.

                  CHIP R. BELL
                    CHIP R. BELL

                    Author of Managers as Mentors: Building Partnerships for Learning