Success Mindsets For Astute Scanning
We all recognize that better decisions follow reliable data collection. However, obtaining it remains a challenge. Too often we accept a penetrating glimpse of the…
We all recognize that better decisions follow reliable data collection. However, obtaining it remains a challenge. Too often we accept a penetrating glimpse of the…
What are you focusing on now? After a successful launch, entrepreneurs have a choice. They can sit back and continue to do what they have…
Perception: Disconnects, Distortions and Deficiencies We often hear that seeing is believing, but should we always believe what we see? Our distorted perceptions can be…
Reward Systems I decided on my doctoral thesis topic after reading Steven Kerr’s 1975 article, The Folly of Rewarding A When Hoping for B, in…
My neighbor’s dogs explore their backyard but within constrained boundaries. An invisible fence limits them. If they stray beyond the specified area their collar provides…
Organizations often respond to accelerating change with slower decision making. CEB’s study of 3,000 business leaders found that 63% of executive felt decision making was…
Advertisers use sound bites to capture attention and promote interest. Recently our leaders both political and non-political adopted the use of clever snippets that might…
Stick to your knitting guidance offers many benefits, but also snares many into stagnate thinking. Developing a strong core is vital to both your in…
First let me clarify that I am not a great bridge player. I will never strive to play duplicate bridge or play with Warren Buffet…
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